Greetings, My name is Lawrence and welcome to "Searching For The Truth". Here we will connect the dots to the worlds mysteries and put them all together to complete the puzzle and bring back the ancient knowledge & wisdom that has been lost and forgotten throughout the generations. It is important for us to connect back to source so we can then manifest a beautiful magical World, A " New Earth" <3 Infinite Love/Light & Gratitude ~ Lawrence
Showing posts with label orbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orbs. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

*2024* Amazing UFO videos from the past 2 weeks (frequently updating)

Witnesses said... "My family and I were on the way to the movies to see Moana 2 and we noticed lights hovering in the sky. I immediately pulled out my camera and began filming. The sighting was in Bullhead City, Arizona, around 7:10 PM on 11/29/24 and the whole event lasted around 10 mins. We witnessed a mixture of lights as well as a solid saucer-shaped craft, for around 8 minutes and they disappeared when what appeared to be a helicopter began flying towards them coming from our right side. It was witnessed by myself, my boyfriend, our 2 kids and my boyfriend’s brother. Three of my friends in the area also reported seeing something similar at the same time as we had this sighting. We witnessed a large and very bright, white saucer shaped light which was pulsating while smaller red objects were hovering around it. And a row of lights slightly further to the left which were disappearing and reappearing behind the clouds. After a couple of minutes of watching the lights, we started freaking out when we noticed a solid saucer shaped craft, with a dome on top and a row of green lights along the bottom that had appeared behind the palm trees on our left. You can see the outline of the saucer in the video, and for us, it was extremely clear with the naked eye, it was undeniable. We have lived in this area our whole lives and know this street and landscape well and we’ve never seen anything like this before. We are still in shock at what we saw, and it has definitely made us question our place in the universe." Occurred on November 29, 2024 / Bullhead City, Arizona, USA

During their annual fishing trip, a group of friends were astonished to discover an unexpected, extraordinary catch from out of this world…

For two weeks, residents in one New Jersey county have reported seeing mysterious drones in the night sky.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Strange light show was captured on a live news feed in Milwaukee

This strange light show was captured on a live news feed in Milwaukee. The news anchors seem genuinely mystified.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Possible UFO releases multiple orbs

I was doing my patrol and noticed something odd in the sky. Captured at 3:00 am May 13 2016 in Fairbanks, Alaska. first orb released at 1:03 multiple orbs released at 2:30 and also I don't know if the camera captured it but at 3:20 I said "WHAO!" The object moved really fast then back to where it was at originally. Then at the end of the video it just disappeared and I felt pretty happy to see and capture such an event whatever is was.
Source: Jared A. on Youtube

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The CIA has released hundreds of declassified U.F.O documents into possible alien life

The CIA declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s. To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting. Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity. We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.

source: CIA

Saturday, January 29, 2011

UFO - Dome of the rock - Temple mount - Jerusalem 28.01.2011

This morning around 01:00 AM at the promenade of Armon Hantziv in Jerusalm, an amazing ufo aircraft over Jerusalem old city (mount Moriah) Dome of the Rock,Temple Mount,قبة الصخرة, הר הבית.

Searching For The Truth
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~This is the cell phone video from the guy infront of the original video so you can see it from two perspectives ~

Incredible footage of something or somethings candidly caught on tape while a tourist was admiring the old Wailing Wall in jerusalem israel. I can clearly see three to four things.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

UFO Disclosure & First Contact- Asia


Searching For The Truth
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First Contact - Asia, Introduces Japan's new (Galactic) First Lady, Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of new Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama. Both sharing a spiritual nature, Mrs Miyuki Hatoyama speaks openly of her galactic interests and experiences

First Contact - Asia (pt 2): After China's scientists obtain 40 minutes of UFO evidence during the July 22nd 2009 Solar Eclipse, regarded as one of China's biggest ufo events of the year, the announcement was given for a year-long investigation into the "final proof" that will lead to an official declaration of the non-earthly results, when the evidence and results are due to be released to the public after July 2010

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

UFO Sighting and Alien Footage Caught On Tape, Witness explains...


Searching For The Truth
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UFO Sighting and Alien Footage Caught On Tape!
Explained while watching video live with camcorder and TV.
While driving home late one night to her country home in Deer Trail, Colorado. This Coloradoan experienced an array of UFOs hovering along the hillside. Grabbing her video camera, she recorded what is believed to be a UFO Space Craft and Alien caught on video!
Here is her story from her point of view.
Deer Trail Colorado has been the sighting of many UFO activity in Colorado. Light Trails, Flat Grey, and more.
Check out the footage and visit the website:

Interview by: Chance Buell -
ByChance Productions
Denver, CO

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Orb ufos dancing around over California Feb 2010


Searching For The Truth
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Watch in full screen best bit of action at 3.10min.

February 2010 California USA amazing UFO formation, while at home with the family California USA 100% UFO PROOF Video

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Monday, February 8, 2010

RAW footage, Real ufo video, orbs play with children & adults...


Searching For The Truth
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Real ufo video, orbs play with children & adults wonderful live honest RAW footage of this Orb phenomena, See more videos with similar Real Orb and Real UFO sightings ... unlike many ufo films, these are real & amazing happenings .. Ufo's are real, and are with us much of the time as individuals, but always in general .......

There's a long story here, one which takes us back beyond accepted history .. if like me, you were turned on by videos like this one, then you'll no doubt want to do some searching of facts ... leaving behind any religious connotations here, for me in the here & now, and for this generation, the most important starting point could be Genesis 6. para. 1 to 4 .. meditate & think about "what this means", "what is the real story there" .. with just a little meditation, we begin to realise what has happened there, when we "feel the truth", we then know which path to seek for confirmation, and there's plenty of this on the web ... have fun as we children play & learn, seeing the truth is truly uplifting.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Amazing, real sightings of True UFOs and off world Orbs


Searching For The Truth
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A real ufo video orbs phenomena wonderful fathful video footage of this Orb phenomena UFO & orb sightings from James Gilliland's ECETI Ranch Trout Lake Mt. Adams Wahington State .. unlike many UFO films, these are Amazing, real sightings. More videos of True UFOs and off world Orbs at ..
"A whole new world is unfolding for those with the insight to see that unfolding and the courage to accept it. UFO sightings, Orb phenomena,"UFO contact" with spiritually and technologically advanced extra and ultra terrestrial off world visitors - a "greater family of man" ... has occurred at the James Gilliland eceti ranch near Mt. Adams Washington, known as the Sattva Sanctuary".

2009 Fox News Hannity 6 min coverage on ECETI and James Gilliland on UFOs and ETs. Disclosure will come not from our governments but from the skies above... focus on the most blissful loving feeling and ask to see. They're here... get over it! "

"Kenneth Arnold who coined the word flying saucers in his 1947 report said he lost sight of the luminous discs as they descended on the western slopes of Mt Adams." *

*From ... .. visit there for more Ufo vids from Mt. Adams & more.

-James Gilliland

James Gilliland UFO Footage ...YOU Decide, Go See For Yourself

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Actor Danny Dyer goes on a quest to spot a UFO


Searching For The Truth
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Actor Danny Dyer goes on a quest to spot a UFO. He examines reported UFO landing sites and evidence that aliens may have conducted scientific experiments in Britain. Contains strong language.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon, McAllen, Texas, 1-17-2010


Searching For The Truth
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Cell phone video of an unexplained aerial phenomenon seen in the skies over McAllen, Texas on Sunday, January 17, 2010 at approximately 11:30 a.m. Video is courtesy of Israel and Vicky Thrasher. Observers were standing at latitude 26.214078 N and longitude -98.232574 E when they saw several illuminated spheres or orbs moving across the sky roughly from northwest to southeast. The spheres changed direction several times and finally disappeared.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Golden Hovering UFO filmed from 2 DIFFERENT sides, December 11, 2009


Searching For The Truth
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From Alison: Then it morphs into FAKE PLANE UFO--not possible for plane to hover in place for that long--while I drove around a mile or so to another filming spot to catch it STILL hovering, let alone SILENTLY. These things shine bright golden Yellow/Orange, then dim down usually to display fake FAA lighting, then speed up and flying away at speed too slow for airplanes. Over usual spot in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, USA where these UFOs like to hang out on a good number of nights since May, 2009. Sometimes they do this show-up-suddenly-in-the-sky like a light bulb turning on. Have done this over other patches of woods within 5 mile radius I've seen & filmed. Generation 3 nightvision can see either a dim orb invisible to the eye (in the trees moving then rising up) BEFORE they turn on the bright light & do their thing, or sometimes with your eyes you can even see a faint white fast streak up to the sky from an orb in the trees... PART 1 .

Crazy & unbelievable until you see it in person with your eyes. Pretty much rules out secret military, since they don't have the orb morphing capability, planes or helicopters on approach from an airport (hey, they don't use them anyway), weather balloons, chinese lanterns, satellites, swamp gas,etc.

Orange orbs being filmed all over the world--1,000+ videos by average people. They can, I assume, all do the transformation/morph into a flashing craft that people are mistaking for our aircraft simply because they mimic our flashing lights. Others online noticing they aren't right & filming them... Do search for "Fake Plane UFO" and "Morphing UFO" to see what I mean. Although there are rumors, I wish I knew for sure where they are from & what they look like. Same, I think, as Pine Bush, NY sightings.

Disabled comments since those leaving them were getting harassed by the same jerks who are impersonating me across the web and insulting & attacking others with the same type of footage because they want people to think it's not really happening...


Copyright ALISON KRUSE 2009 --for those who try to claim my footage is theirs on false claims to get it yanked from Youtube or other stupid crap.

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Excepting Donations

Excepting Donations
Buy me fuel for my ship <3


☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))
<3 ~ These sacred geometric symbols are visual instruments that can help bring our vibrations into harmony with the Rythms of nature. ♥~♥ Sphere, (Fire) Tetrahedron, (Universe) Dedecahedron, *Merkaba*, (Water) Icosahedron, (Earth) Hexahedron,(Air) Octahedron ((♥~♥))

Pleiades (Home)

Pleiades (Home)

ૐ* OHM ૐ*

ૐ* OHM ૐ*



One Love

One Love
All is One

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞
~ Kirlian Photograph of pyramid energy using a Tesla coil in 1979 ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~
Our sixth sense should be called our first sense ...

Divine Unconditional Love

Divine Unconditional Love
♥ "IF there is magic on this Planet, it is contained in water" -Loren Eiseley ♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

All is ONE

All is ONE

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

destroyer vs Creator

destroyer vs Creator
You are that fine line between the two vast worlds... Live and choose wisely... Live and choose with love...♥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))
"The blending of fire and water is as a symphony of the pure alchemy of our existence, in its mergence it returns all to the zero point where within is the Divine celestial creation of our BEing which is Love ~ as above, so below ~ the deepest truth is that we are all the bridge between heaven and earth through the love that we ARE" ~ Lawrence & Elaraia

Divine Consciousness

Divine Consciousness

All is ONE