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Explanation of Materials from Roswell crash debris, basic sceintific overview of Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Meta-Invisibility, Quasicrystals, Photonic computer circuits, & basic Alien Anatomy.
Here it is! The REAL X-Files Part 2... Reverse Engineer an Alien Spacecraft discovering the amazing science behind Invisibility (Metamaterials), Anti-Gravity (Torsion Field Physics), Nano-photo-optical quantum computers(Quasicrystals), and MORE! New from AlienScientist!
By aligning the photonic band gaps for all visible frequencies it renders the ship invisible to those frequenceis. The ship can also do this for a wide range of selective frequencies... such as radar.
This craft uses Superfluid Helium 3 as opposed to the TR-3B and the Nazi Bell craft which use Mercury Plasma centrifuges. Both systems work to produce the same effect. A warped gravitational field around the ship and the creation of an isolated inertial reference frame.