Greetings, My name is Lawrence and welcome to "Searching For The Truth". Here we will connect the dots to the worlds mysteries and put them all together to complete the puzzle and bring back the ancient knowledge & wisdom that has been lost and forgotten throughout the generations. It is important for us to connect back to source so we can then manifest a beautiful magical World, A " New Earth" <3 Infinite Love/Light & Gratitude ~ Lawrence
Showing posts with label greys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greys. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2019

Joe Rogan Interviews Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell ~ The Truth

Bob Lazar is a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4 near the Area 51 Groom Lake operating location. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker. Watch the documentary "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers" now streaming on Netflix.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

*** New Artifacts proves alien contact with Mayas ***


Mexican Government in '2012' - Documentary - "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond,"

~ Artifacts are Revealed! by Nassim Haramein & Klaus Dona Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by the Mexican government, releasing state-held secrets about the end of the Mayan calendar to the makers of a documentary, "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond," TheWrap has learned.

The information -- protected for 80 years -- is expected to reveal Mayan beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as "shocking," producer Raul Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia, told TheWrap.

The end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 has long given rise to theories and speculation about the end of the world.

The agreement will allow Julia-Levy to film in never-before-seen locations.

"The Mayans used to construct one pyramid over another," tourism minister for the Mexican state of Campeche Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado told TheWrap. "In the site at Calakmul (pictured below right), workers for INAH [the National Institute of Anthropology and History] have discovered rooms inside the pyramid that have never been seen or explored before.

"And we're letting this documentary film there, to see what has been discovered inside the pyramid."

Julia-Levy (above) said he'd been made aware of the secret Mayan information by former Mexican president Vicente Fox -- a friend of his family -- and that it took four years of phone calls to finally get the OK from current president Felipe Calderon.

"This is very important for humanity, not just for Mexico," said Julia-Levy. "This information has been protected for 80 years, and now it's important for people to understand the series of events that are coming, and the consequences for all of us."

The English-language documentary will be directed by Juan Carlos Ruflo (whose other films include the 2006 Sundance winner "In the Pit"), and will begin shooting later this year. Elbert said the filmmakers are talking to investors and waiting for the government to give them their first look at the material and the site.

One big condition from the Mexican government was that the film get an initial theatrical release, which is planned for next fall, said Ed Elbert who is co-producing along with Julia-Levy and Sheila M. McCarthy and executive producer Eduardo Vertiz.

"It has to be released before the end of the Mayan calendar, which is Dec. 21, 2012," said Julia-Levy.

That's the date that the Mayan calendar -- which some believe predicts a worldwide cataclysm -- comes to the end of a 5,126-year cycle, and resets for another cycle.

Julia-Levy has been specifically ordered not to talk about any of the more mystical possibilities that might strain credulity as Mexico prepares to launch the far-reaching (and tourism-inducing) 2012 Mayan World Program.

At one point, Rosado was quoted in a press release talking about contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials. That statement has been recalled, and Rosado now paints this as a simpler, more archaeological-oriented documentary.

"At the moment, talk of the Mayans is a big thing," Rosado said. "We've counted over 3 million websites talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, and we have been contacted by a lot of producers who want to come and film on our sites."

The project is similar in some ways to a novel Julia-Levy was writing, variously entitled "Chronicles of the Mayan Tunnel" and "Secrets of the Mayan Time Machine." He and co-producer Elbert were also going to make a 3D movie from that novel starring him and Wesley Snipes, he said in the summer of 2010.

Several reports from that time said the novel was being written with the help of "secret information" never before released by the Mexican government. But in their conversations with TheWrap, Julia-Levy and Elbert dismissed that project as a "Harry Potter"-style piece of fiction with no connection to the current documentary.

That film has been set aside, they said, because Snipes is serving a prison sentence for tax evasion. "We put that film on hold," said Elbert. "Dollar-wise, this documentary might be smaller, but it is based on the release of new and important knowledge from the Mayans."

Asked if the movie will involve aliens, mystical elements or doomsday scenarios that have fueled the popular imagination, Julia-Levy declined to elaborate.

"I'm not allowed to speak about that," he said. "Everything is going to come out in time, but I can't comment on aliens or on 2012.

"I can just say that the Mexican government is preparing to tell humanity and the world things that are critical for us, for the way we live, for the way we've been handling the planet."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Phil Schneider,1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military


Searching For The Truth

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Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base,was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. According to sources, it appeared that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed. Seven months prior to his death , Schneider did a lecture on the forces he had discovered at Dulce.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010



Searching For The Truth
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Shane 16 gives his account of alien abduction to MUFON investigator Morgan Beall.See you tube / North port devil, to see all our videos of our investigation, A foot print 19 inches long with huge claws and a cloven hoof, you can see the veins in its foot cast. We have actual UFOS, dropping off cloaking reptilians. See northport

Ufo streaks through the sky over florida. I have been talking about a dragon here for 8 months. Finally I have what I call identified flying object "THE NORT PORT DEVIL" THE DRAGON! You can see its snout on the right , his head, neck. first hump is the wings, second hump is his thighs and legs, the rest is his tail. 2 more videos of this creature at you tube north port devil, Someone is shooting at Orbs, Reptilians and possibly a Dragon in a canal. You will hear guns right away but the Orbs start showing up on this video at 1.39 minutes.We have all kinds of aliens in our neighborhood, UFOS, Orbs,Greys, Reptiians, And even Dragons. I have 80 videos of these things. Google, North Port Devil's Channel. You have to at least see the Dragon and the enlargement of its head, It is for real.You will truely be amazed.Alien cloaking drops down from ufo ship. What else can this be from over the top of a palm tree. See Dragon videos at, North Port Devil's channel. Real honest to goodness dragons Sue is a professional psychologist of 20 years with psychic abilities. She sees a child like grey alien that plays hide and seek with her.Her discription is very convincing. I have seen 2 greys, and 1 reptilian here, My Son Shane 16 years old Saw a 9ft tall grey right at his window and a reptilian hanging sideways on a tree watching the grey watch Shane. Shane describes, watching them not taking his eyes off of them, and waking up in the morning still staring out the window. See The video of MUFON interviewing Shane. at you tube / north port devil.Also see my web site, north port for the complete true Bible description of 2012. Isaiah 24:1 Behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste, and TURNETH IT UPSIDE DOWN, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. Keep reading the story to see the real escape route. This video shows the veins, on the bottom of the foot of the North Port Devil, and is a description of the size of the claws, whole foot and cloven hoof. This horseshoe shaped cast with cloven hoof, is the same as foot prints made in snow in 1881 in England by a creature that walked through walls over hay stacks etc in a straight path, possibly typical behavior of ancient creatures that used paths that are called Lay lines today, ancient extateresteral reptilian creatures that lived on the earth 10's of thousands of years ago used these lay lines as we use our highways. it has been suggested to me by an expert in this field that my property exists on an ancient lay line, creating the cause of so much activity here by so many different types of Aliens, we have greys here short and tall, reptilians , short and very tall. Winged reptilians which I have learned are called Royal Reptilians, and the North Port Devil over 20 ft tall that made this foot print in our back yard. After Shane's experence with the 2 aliens in his window, I always made sure the doors were locked. At 1 am I walked thru the darkened living room to check the doors, i turned the nob on the back door and pushed, it was not locked and opened. in the morning i found this foot print with dirt pushed to one side. I am making an educated guess, it jumped sideways with its left foot when I suprised it by opening the door. i have simulated that jump and it is akward, and requires another hard right foot, which should have left another print, but there was not another. that is how I deducted that it flew. Mike k's video shows that they do fly. When viewing the cloven hoof, you have to deduct in your mind my WHOLE finger which I had stuck down in the hole to see if it was a mole hole , even tho it was oviously a monsters foot print. See all our videos at you tube channel / north port devil Shanes abduction inveatigation by MUFON, UFOs, large and small moving orbs,. Go to our web site and read the scariest true story you will ever read in your life, guaranteed. 2006 3 bd 2 bath 2015 sq ft house for sale complete with aliens ufo's and this foot cast Mike K witnesses North Port Devil fly over area,and draws what he saw.I catch these on video, see you tube /north port devil.for video of Shane 16 yr old abducted by grey and reptilian, The north port devil foot cast , you can actually see the veins in it foot,cloven hoof and huge claws, and see our ufo videos. Foot cast is for sale. Also see and read the scariest real life story you will ever read, guaranteed

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Friday, December 11, 2009



Searching For The Truth
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Nasa lies and deception and the eventual upcoming disclosure of E.T prescence on our moon and here on earth

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Project Camelot interviews Jim Sparks


Searching For The Truth
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The Keepers: Jim Sparks on camera

Jim Sparks has become well-known as one of the few multiple abductees who has, in his own words, 95% recall of all his experiences. Having been abducted many hundreds of times, at first he rebelled and totally refused to co-operate with the aliens who would repeatedly take him to their craft at night. He attributes his very complete memories of his experiences to his rage, and outrage, about the continued violations.

As the years passed, and Jim and his captors battled with one another, Jim gradually seemed to become trusted by the aliens - who he calls 'The Keepers' - to assist them in increasingly significant ways. In turn, Jim feels he understands better now what their agenda and modus operandi might be. The story he tells on camera is spellbinding... and culminates in a message which we might ignore at our peril: that the Earth is in danger, and that while there may be a new dawn ahead of the human race, there might be some difficult times ahead before we get there.

To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at .

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Thursday, November 12, 2009



Searching For The Truth
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A breakdown of what may happen if alien disclosure happens,all lies must be told once aliens are disclosed...

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Close Alien Encounter News Report


Searching For The Truth
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A news report on an East Texas woman's story of alien abductions. Jane Nelms lives near Winnsboro. She grew up in England and has lived in many places, claiming aliens follow her and constantly visit, even now here in East Texas. KLTV 7 has more on her story. Close Alien Encounter News Report Part 1/2 Video Close Alien Encounter News Report Part 2/2 Video
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Monday, October 12, 2009


Photobucket 11/10/13 just before midnight ~ This is the second video of another strange glowing orange light in the sky, I kept the moon in view for reference... ~ Lawrence On 11/10/13 just before midnight I went out to take a glance at the sky and I noticed an orange glowing light in the sky, I went and grabbed my video camera and when I came back it was gone, but a few minutes later another one appeared and I caught it on video. 3 more appeared one after another appearing then flickering out. ~ Lawrence

WORLD EXCLUSIVE! MOST SIGNIFICANT and UNDENIABLE UFO VIDEOS OF ALL TIME THAT ALSO COVER ALIENS IN THEM WERE CAUGHT ON TAPE in ISTANBUL!!! KUMBURGAZ UFO'S and ALIENS ARE BACK in 2008 WITH MOST AMAZING FOOTAGES OF ALL TIME!! This extraordinary incident took place in a compound in Kumburgaz/Istanbul was witnessed by many residents and filmed by the same night guard Yalcin Yalman as it was in 2007 The images captured are expected to have a tremendous impact throughout the world and be listed as "the most important UFO/extraterrestrial images ever filmed in the all World"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Credo Mutwa: Old Shaman speaks of the The reptilian agenda

Searching For The Truth

Searching For The Truth

Amazing confirmation that a reptilian extraterrestrial race has controlled the world for thousands of years. David Icke talks with the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa.

In this fantastic interview, Credo Mutwa reveals the story of the reptilian takeover of Planet Earth and how a shape-shifting Reptilian race (the "Chitauri" to Africans) has controlled humanity for thousands of years and how their bloodlines are in the positions of royal, political and economic power today.

This program will re-write the UFO/ET story in a way that will blow your mind. Credo Mutwa has endured endless threats and attempts on his life, in an effort to silence him, right up to the recording of this interview. However, as Credo says, The world must know this and know it now.

David Icke writes: "This is the most amazing man it has ever been my honor to meet, a genius, and the importance of these videos is simply beyond words."

Excepting Donations

Excepting Donations
Buy me fuel for my ship <3


☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))
<3 ~ These sacred geometric symbols are visual instruments that can help bring our vibrations into harmony with the Rythms of nature. ♥~♥ Sphere, (Fire) Tetrahedron, (Universe) Dedecahedron, *Merkaba*, (Water) Icosahedron, (Earth) Hexahedron,(Air) Octahedron ((♥~♥))

Pleiades (Home)

Pleiades (Home)

ૐ* OHM ૐ*

ૐ* OHM ૐ*



One Love

One Love
All is One

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞
~ Kirlian Photograph of pyramid energy using a Tesla coil in 1979 ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~
Our sixth sense should be called our first sense ...

Divine Unconditional Love

Divine Unconditional Love
♥ "IF there is magic on this Planet, it is contained in water" -Loren Eiseley ♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

All is ONE

All is ONE

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

destroyer vs Creator

destroyer vs Creator
You are that fine line between the two vast worlds... Live and choose wisely... Live and choose with love...♥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))
"The blending of fire and water is as a symphony of the pure alchemy of our existence, in its mergence it returns all to the zero point where within is the Divine celestial creation of our BEing which is Love ~ as above, so below ~ the deepest truth is that we are all the bridge between heaven and earth through the love that we ARE" ~ Lawrence & Elaraia

Divine Consciousness

Divine Consciousness

All is ONE