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To clear up some debunkers claims: First of all the USGS presents "grayscale - Natural Color - False Color and enhanced Color representations of the Clementine photos. Each is different from the other.
There is a big difference between Natural Color and False Color
Pay attention to the film! At first I demonstrated how I wanted a full color "poster for the film," so I colorized 247 B&W Apollo pix.
THEN I found the USGS "Natural Color" of the moon photos here:
CLICK on the "Natural Color" link. What the USGS has done is made a "black" square hiding the graphic's content.
On the left you will see two magnifying glass ZOOM icons. Click on the (+) ZOOM icon. You will see the content is no longer black.
CLICK anywhere, THEN on the left click on the "Yellow" box with checkered features.
Keep ZOOMING in to any areas and you can see the full color for yourself. There will be areas "blacked out" and some areas "blurred" but for the most part you are seeing the moon in "Full Color."
Starting at 4:07 on Part 6 until the the end of the film I present the "Natural Color" photography of the moon taken during the Clementine Mission.
Don't let debunkers or no brainers posting here that the moon is B&W detract you from the truth. Jose Escamilla