Greetings, My name is Lawrence and welcome to "Searching For The Truth". Here we will connect the dots to the worlds mysteries and put them all together to complete the puzzle and bring back the ancient knowledge & wisdom that has been lost and forgotten throughout the generations. It is important for us to connect back to source so we can then manifest a beautiful magical World, A " New Earth" <3 Infinite Love/Light & Gratitude ~ Lawrence
Showing posts with label conspiracies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracies. Show all posts

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Overcome Fear NOW!


Searching For The Truth
Visit my blogspot page daily ;)
We live in an amazing world. Life moves pretty fast. It's designed that way. By those who seek to control us. It is time to Overcome the fear NOW...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Slavery And The Eight Veils (truth as you have never imagined)


Searching For The Truth
Visit my blogspot page daily ;)
It will take time..and many will discourage you from awakening.
Media, government, religion, science...society, the elite control us and our world. They want you to accept there versions of "truth" and never question them, only follow and obey.

Truth is something that we all deserve for once in our lives, yet we have never had that opportunity.

It is up to change that!

It is time to awaken..and time to do something about this...before it is too late. Time is running out.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Giza Geomatrix II : Earth Protection May 23, 2010


Searching For The Truth
Visit my blogspot page daily ;)

May 23, 2010 — This is the second interview with the team from Giza Geomatrix. We cover what Bill Brown and his team have found using Ground Penetrating Radar...within the Khufu Temple complex that extends from the Giza Plateau and beyond, revealing a hidden technology. In this ground breaking interview the team talks about the coverup and nefarious digs as well as a mysterious force field that is keeping even the powers-that-be from getting close to what may be the entrance to the Hall of Records. According to their findings, a tunnel system exists below that goes from there to the Great Pyramid and all the way to Saqqarra.

Richard Gabriel and Bill Brown also talk about what they believe they have discovered as an Earth Protection System that connects important power places around the planet. They believe this can be activated to create a force field that will protect the Earth from coming Earth changes and Solar Cycle 24.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010

Giza Geomatrix team sites:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Project Camelot interviews Andy LLoyd - Dark Star


Searching For The Truth
Visit my blogspot page daily ;)

May 11, 2010 — We visited Andy Lloyd in North England in the middle of a very cold and stormy winter day. He and his wife warmly welcomed us into their home for a hot lunch and then we sat down and talked about his theories on the 2nd sun, or Brown Dwarf that he has been researching for over 10 years. As it happens, his theories are just now gaining support. There was even a recent newspaper article in the SUN about the possibility. Here is an excerpt from his email:

[On Mar 13, 2010, at 9:44 AM, andy lloyd wrote:

Hi Kerry,

I'm glad you're enjoying the book! Yes, I saw the article in the Sun, which has a circulation of about 7 million. That's a lot of Brits finding out about this possibility for the first time. I looked at the article on their website and the comment board attached to the article had a lot of discussion about 2012, so I imagine that most readers thought that there might be an imminent threat from comet showers sent our way by the 'Death Star' Nemesis. Either way, the article shows just how seriously this subject is now taken in the astronomical community. It also follows on nicely from some of the material we discussed in our interview.

I think the Sun picked up the story from the following excellent science article published the day before:

In this article, various brown dwarf theories are described - from a red dwarf Nemesis body about half a light year away, to a multiple-Jupiter-mass object in the Oort Cloud. Personally, I believe it is nearer than the comet could, as we discussed. The expectation is that if such a body exists, then WISE will find it.

He went on to say:

"I'm hopeful that it will be found in the constellation of Sagittarius. But this is one of the densest areas of background stars in the sky, due to the Milky Way, so the hunt will be that much more difficult in this area.

Many thanks,

Andy Lloyd']

Whereas, coming from the investigations of Camelot I think it is highly likely that even if WISE finds something I doubt we will hear about it, until it's too late. And I also think it's very possible if not certain that the secret space program has full knowledge of not only the location but the path the Dark Star and it's accompanying planets are taking.

In fact, Henry Deacon aka Arthur Neumann mentioned the 2nd Sun to us several years ago now when we first made contact with him. He said it was "common knowledge" within the halls of the various alphabet agencies--albeit at a certain level of secrecy.

Meanwhile, Andy has now put his knowledge and insights to work creating very readable fiction that I have to say, after reading his first book, "Ezekiel One", comes very close to a very possible truth... that some may find too close for comfort. And yes, he has had some "interest from Hollywood" already and he is just now about to publish his second book in the proposed trilogy, called "The Followers of Horus". Needless to say, I will be first in line to read it when it is released.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Los Angeles, CA

May 2010

Author and artist

Books: Dark Star (2005); Ezekiel One (2009); & The Followers of Horus (2010)


Monday, March 22, 2010

Earthquakes,Tsunamis,Volcanoes, in 2010: Quakes & Swarms...


Searching For The Truth
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December 2012 is drawing near and the forces at Galactic allignment are really starting to show on our fragile Earth. Major Earth quakes and swarms are occuring all over the globe, 2010 looks to be an incredible seismic year. Is this really a new beginning we are approaching?

. May 9,2010 - Tsunami warning issued after 7.4 quake in Indonesia SINGAPORE (Reuters) – A tsunami alert was issued after an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck 140 miles south of Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesia, the country's quake agency and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported on Sunday.

"A destructive widespread tsunami threat does not exist based on historical earthquake and tsunami data," the USGS said.

"However there is the possibility of a local tsunami that could affect coasts located usually no more than a hundred kilometers from the earthquake epicenter."

volcano 2010
March 21, 2010- The volcano near the Eyjafjallajoekull glacier began to erupt shortly after midnight, leading to road closures in the area. About 500 people were moved from the area.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - The Manchurian Candidate


Searching For The Truth
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Manchurian Candidate
Authors and experts warn that forces within the government have revived a program that uses mind control techniques to turn ordinary citizens into programmed assassins. This real-life Manchurian Candidate seems outlandish-until Jesse Ventura searches for the evidence and goes face-to-face with a man who claims he's one of the killers.

Jesse Ventura and a team of expert investigators are on a mission to examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time. They examine available evidence as well as talking to experts and eyewitnesses to learn more about such topics as global warming, possible 9/11 cover-ups, secret government weapons and apocalyptic prophecies. "This is my personal journey," Ventura says, "to prove that there is more to these stories than you know about."

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Monday, February 15, 2010

NIBIRU AND NWO AGENDA: What the space agencies are hiding from us???

This video is not intended to corroborate predictions, channeling and general esoteric speculation. Neither intends to setting directions or jumping to conclusions about this delicate issue for mankind. The point here is to gather as much credible information about the existence of Nibiru. Despite of the load of fake pics, misinformation, misinterpretation of ancient calenders, mystic false flags and mainly, the lies of scientific authorities, I tried to put some reasonable data, based on translations of Zecharia Sitchin, in researches of the "off-the-box" scientists and images provided by SOHO spacecraft and Hubble. The fact is that we're blind in regard to this matter. The video isn't conclusive, but shows where to dig in to find reliable and solid material.

Searching For The Truth
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Conspiracy Theory 2012 Apocalypse Jesse Ventura


Searching For The Truth
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Watch full Episode @ http://www.ConspiracyTheoryJesseVentu...

Apocalypse 2012!
Premiered On: Wed, January 13 at 10P
It's believed that the world is heading for disaster in 2012 and the government is preparing to save and protect the elite - while leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves. Jesse Ventura investigates claims of top secret underground bunkers being built in places ranging from the Nevada desert to the White House, including the largest, now under construction beneath a major metropolitan airport.

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Excepting Donations

Excepting Donations
Buy me fuel for my ship <3


☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))
<3 ~ These sacred geometric symbols are visual instruments that can help bring our vibrations into harmony with the Rythms of nature. ♥~♥ Sphere, (Fire) Tetrahedron, (Universe) Dedecahedron, *Merkaba*, (Water) Icosahedron, (Earth) Hexahedron,(Air) Octahedron ((♥~♥))

Pleiades (Home)

Pleiades (Home)

ૐ* OHM ૐ*

ૐ* OHM ૐ*



One Love

One Love
All is One

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞
~ Kirlian Photograph of pyramid energy using a Tesla coil in 1979 ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~
Our sixth sense should be called our first sense ...

Divine Unconditional Love

Divine Unconditional Love
♥ "IF there is magic on this Planet, it is contained in water" -Loren Eiseley ♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

All is ONE

All is ONE

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

destroyer vs Creator

destroyer vs Creator
You are that fine line between the two vast worlds... Live and choose wisely... Live and choose with love...♥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))
"The blending of fire and water is as a symphony of the pure alchemy of our existence, in its mergence it returns all to the zero point where within is the Divine celestial creation of our BEing which is Love ~ as above, so below ~ the deepest truth is that we are all the bridge between heaven and earth through the love that we ARE" ~ Lawrence & Elaraia

Divine Consciousness

Divine Consciousness

All is ONE