Greetings, My name is Lawrence and welcome to "Searching For The Truth". Here we will connect the dots to the worlds mysteries and put them all together to complete the puzzle and bring back the ancient knowledge & wisdom that has been lost and forgotten throughout the generations. It is important for us to connect back to source so we can then manifest a beautiful magical World, A " New Earth" <3 Infinite Love/Light & Gratitude ~ Lawrence
Showing posts with label UFOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFOs. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

*2024* Amazing UFO videos from the past 2 weeks (frequently updating)

Witnesses said... "My family and I were on the way to the movies to see Moana 2 and we noticed lights hovering in the sky. I immediately pulled out my camera and began filming. The sighting was in Bullhead City, Arizona, around 7:10 PM on 11/29/24 and the whole event lasted around 10 mins. We witnessed a mixture of lights as well as a solid saucer-shaped craft, for around 8 minutes and they disappeared when what appeared to be a helicopter began flying towards them coming from our right side. It was witnessed by myself, my boyfriend, our 2 kids and my boyfriend’s brother. Three of my friends in the area also reported seeing something similar at the same time as we had this sighting. We witnessed a large and very bright, white saucer shaped light which was pulsating while smaller red objects were hovering around it. And a row of lights slightly further to the left which were disappearing and reappearing behind the clouds. After a couple of minutes of watching the lights, we started freaking out when we noticed a solid saucer shaped craft, with a dome on top and a row of green lights along the bottom that had appeared behind the palm trees on our left. You can see the outline of the saucer in the video, and for us, it was extremely clear with the naked eye, it was undeniable. We have lived in this area our whole lives and know this street and landscape well and we’ve never seen anything like this before. We are still in shock at what we saw, and it has definitely made us question our place in the universe." Occurred on November 29, 2024 / Bullhead City, Arizona, USA

During their annual fishing trip, a group of friends were astonished to discover an unexpected, extraordinary catch from out of this world…

For two weeks, residents in one New Jersey county have reported seeing mysterious drones in the night sky.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Las Vegas family calls police saying 10 ft tall Aliens in their backyard

A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it. Read the full story here:


Update with enhanced images of the aliens...

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Monday, May 3, 2021

“PYRAMID” UFOs confirmed authentic by the Pentagon

The US Navy filmed “PYRAMID” shaped UFOs (video footage)

A spokesperson from the Pentagon has confirmed the authenticity of incredible leaked images and video from their UFO investigations. Night vision captured by a US Navy destroyer was posted online by filmmaker @Jeremy Corbell​, appearing to show ‘mystery’ flying objects near warships.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Joe Rogan Interviews Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell ~ The Truth

Bob Lazar is a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4 near the Area 51 Groom Lake operating location. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker. Watch the documentary "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers" now streaming on Netflix.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Crop Circles of Summer 2018

In this video, you will see a compilation of the best crop circles discovered this summer. Humanity was gifted with many dynamic crop circles this year and we are proud to be able to present them on our channel. The crop circles contain many messages and symbols for us to decipher. Thank you to Matthew Williams and Crop Circle Connector for providing the incredible footage you see in this video. See Matthew's Youtube channel for the full 4k videos!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Strange light show was captured on a live news feed in Milwaukee

This strange light show was captured on a live news feed in Milwaukee. The news anchors seem genuinely mystified.

Monday, March 7, 2011

* * * UFO Spiral, Four UFOs descend to Earth * * *


Searching For The Truth
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UFO SPIRAL, MYSTERY 2011, AERIAL PHENOMENA, KAZAKSTAN RUSSIA, Alien spacecraft Descends to the earth's surface, Part of the UFO is ejected, Four UFOs descended on the cross braces to prevent fire, 4 UFO eject, We can distinguish a cross on which arose the 4 UFOs

Sunday, October 17, 2010

~UFOs October / November 2010, It's Happening Globally... ~ Updated~


Searching For The Truth
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~More UFOs arriving ~ Feelings of love and very spiritual ~ These Golden orbs in Geometric patterns in North Phoenix Arizona 11-27-2010!!!
UFO Over Atascadero Lake, California near HWY 41
Got VIDEO Proof of a REAL UFO Flying over Atascadero On November 17, 2010 It was the size of a HUGE CRUISE SHIP!! My 11 Year old daughter witnessed the whole thing. We opened the windows and there was no sound except for Dogs Barking... SILENT. It was maybe 1000 Yards away at an elevationm of approx 1000- 1500 ft above Hwy 41 Near Atascadeo Lake. If you look close you can see several other light "orbs" floating around it the whole time.. INSANE~! Shot video with my blackberry phone~

UFOs - Phoenix Lights Seen by Many in Tucson,Arizona! Nov,20,2010

Searching For The Truth
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Amazing UFO orbs over houses in PolandCaptured near the Pennsylvania/Delaware line on October 23, 2010 by youtube user RetiredMxMan. This is beyond Spectacular! Disclosure Coast Planet Spiral Unbelievable Recent Sightings News Video Film

Blue-Colored UFO in Centreville Nov, 5, 2010, this is the same craft that has been showing up baffling/frightening/enlightening the masses of people in the United States since Oct,13,2010. A strange blue object in the sky got the attention of many in my hometown of Centreville, VA on Wednesday night. The object was filmed near Lee Highway where it was spotted and moved irratically around the sky for nearly 10 minutes. This was no plane from nearby Dulles Airport. Most residents like myself are use to the air traffic and have seen and heard it all. This object was silent and didn't move like any aircraft I've ever seen before.

~The same blue craft~ About 11:00 pm there was a bright blue light over the sky; it seems that there was a helicopter private or from the city police trying to investigate this phenomenon, but the helicopter almost crashes with it! There was several witnesses that saw this object. I got several video shots with my droi...dx and my iPhone but this video is the most I like to upload here-- my hand was to shaky because I was actually looking at that object directly instead looking what I was recording.
The blue light can't really be appreciated in the video-- you should see this unknown object! The light was out of the ordinary!!! They are definately sending out ships and retreiving them.‎~An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask~

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Raw footage of the New York City UFOs: On the news + Live nightcam footage 10/13/2010


Searching For The Truth
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UFOs New York City RAW video footage October 13, 2010 (HD)

CBS News obtained footage of mysterious glowing orbs floating over New York City.
Mystery shiny objects floating over Manhattan spark UFO frenzy- October 13th, 2010 at 11:00 P.M. Eastern USA. The UFO's from the day time siting are back at night. UFO's dancing around in the sky's over New York City. Record on EarthCam. They are not planes or helicopters determined by their flight patterns and the lack of blinking safety lights as required by air safety laws. The UFO's move in and out, back and forth, up and down. They brighten and dim. They move very quickly & stop suddenly. No aircraft we know of does this.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

George Kavassilas: The Birthing of a New Race


Searching For The Truth
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My name is George Kavassilas and I have had an incredible range of experiences including traveling up through the dimensions of our Universe in 2003 and rediscovering what life here on this planet is all about. It is more significant than you are led to believe.
You are far more significant and magnificent in the greater scheme of things than you can possibly imagine. I wish to share with you my knowledge and wisdom which I have gained over a lifetime of extraordinary experiences, including meeting and interacting with many different ET races, both benevolent and malevolent.
I also have a comprehensive understanding of the ascension process, including the harmonics and timing of the two main phases of our DNA's transformation into Homo Illuminous or Hu-Man.
Please understand the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Council of Light of which I am a part is not the same as a group calling themselves the galactic federation of light. At the time I gave my 2004 presentation I too was being manipulated by the galactic federation of light, however the majority of information provided is valid. As you read and understand my work this distinction will become important to each and everyone of us.
George's website:
Project Camelot website:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Walbury hill crop circle 12th june 2010, code cracked, I Ching


Searching For The Truth
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There are powerful messages coming out of 2010's CC's
I would heed the warnings.
please visit Cropcircleconnector and the links below for other interpretations and information.
Steve Alexander
Please support people who have worked tirelessly advancing the human race with this phenomena.
thanks to Lucy Pringle
Freddy Silva
and many others who are working on this project.
nb, I made a small error with the date in the beginning of this film, it is meant to read 12th not 13th June.

E.T to Earth, Do you wish that we show up...


Searching For The Truth
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Global Message~~ E.T to Earth, Do you wish that we show up...

Project Camelot interviews Aaron McCollum: Aaron's personal story.


Searching For The Truth
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— As promised, here is Aaron's personal story. As Aaron is on a journey of self-discovery, there are still areas of his life that does not recall or understand. At the time of this interview, however, it is beginning to come to light that he himself may be, a dolphin/human hybrid.

In a stunning revelation, he describes his role in military abductions, working alongside nonhuman entities (greys) taking targets, (male and female) from their homes late at night to underground bases for experimentation and programming. He talks about the retrieval of renegade agents, where the programming had malfunctioned... Flying in a TR-3B -- the target was picked up, reprogrammed and replaced back in their homes without the neighbors or other occupants of the home being aware.

During those early years his cover was acting as a fully functioning member of the U.S. Coast Guard. Simultaneously, he was a covert agent, leaving his company at night or on weekends to handle operations that involved MILABS (military abductions) as well as taking part in what he called "terminations" where the individual was terminated rather than reprogrammed.

At a certain point, he was based in the area around the Caribbean where he found himself involved in a top secret project called Project Seagate at an undersea base. There, his experiences become even more bizarre involving experimentation with dolphins, time travel through portals and telepathic communication.

Forthright and unflinching, Aaron is determined to know and understand his past in ways many would hesitate to pursue. His courage when faced with the mind boggling nature of what really happened to him is an inspiration. Owning that past and taking charge of his life is his daily passion. I applaud his firm commitment to find out the truth and to reveal it regardless of the light in which it puts him. Aaron has gone from half-believing himself to be mad to uncovering secrets that few would even dare to contemplate. Coming from a place within of strength and only just beginning to tap into the real truth that goes to the root of the purpose behind his incarnation here on this planet, at this time, he stands as a beacon for all those who hide in the shadows of self-doubt and denial.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot

June 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Project Camelot Audio Interview with Michael Tellinger : Temples of African Gods

Project Camelot Audio Interview with Michael Tellinger : Temples of African Gods


Searching For The Truth
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I decided to do an audio interview with Michael Tellinger in order to provide an upldate on what is becoming worldwide attention on the ruins in South Africa. The stone circles including Adam's Calendar were brought to the forefront when Johan Heine contacted Michael Tellinger, author of Slave Species of the Gods back in 2007 to tell him about the discovery of a massive set of stone ruins located in South Africa. As the author of an investigation into the Annunaki and the genetic engineering of man, Michael iinstantly saw the connection to his own work.

Now, years later, with more scientist beginning to recognize the importance of these sites, called Adam's Calendar and Makomati, Michael is spending his time showing interested parties what has been found. His investigations into these ruins have yiellded secrets regarding the origins of humanity, the technology and knowledge that resides in this place and the signfiicance this has for our future.

In addition, this interview happened as part of what became a strange synchronicity with a controversy that has erupted aournd Michael Tellinger and Credo Mutwa. In a special effort to clear up this controversy, I have asked Michael to talk about this and reveal details of his relationship to Credo. I sincerely hope that the information here will clear up this misunderstanding. More and more, in this field of research, journalists and personalities find half truths or misconceptions and take it upon themselves to publicize them either for their own advancement or for some nefarious purpose that is not immediately clear. This is a call to all those who have participated in this to come forward with public apologies and understanding.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
May 2010

Michael Tellinger's websites:
Go to the Project Camelot website for a written statement from Michael Tellinger

UFO Ambassador Training Power Up May, 2010


Searching For The Truth
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22 5 2010 UFO Incredible experiences with UFOs Experiencias increíbles con Ovnis

22 5 2010 UFO Incredible experiences with UFOs Experiencias increíbles con Ovnis


Searching For The Truth
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Is this a lesson? Nothing is Real ? ( just thinking)
¿Está esto una lección? ¿Nada es verdadero? (apenas pensamiento)
Est-ce que c'est une leçon ? Rien n'est vrai ? (juste pensée)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Giza Geomatrix II : Earth Protection May 23, 2010


Searching For The Truth
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May 23, 2010 — This is the second interview with the team from Giza Geomatrix. We cover what Bill Brown and his team have found using Ground Penetrating Radar...within the Khufu Temple complex that extends from the Giza Plateau and beyond, revealing a hidden technology. In this ground breaking interview the team talks about the coverup and nefarious digs as well as a mysterious force field that is keeping even the powers-that-be from getting close to what may be the entrance to the Hall of Records. According to their findings, a tunnel system exists below that goes from there to the Great Pyramid and all the way to Saqqarra.

Richard Gabriel and Bill Brown also talk about what they believe they have discovered as an Earth Protection System that connects important power places around the planet. They believe this can be activated to create a force field that will protect the Earth from coming Earth changes and Solar Cycle 24.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010

Giza Geomatrix team sites:

Excepting Donations

Excepting Donations
Buy me fuel for my ship <3


☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

☯ Enlightened Ones ☯

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))

((♥~♥)) ~ Sacred Geometry Crystals ~ ((♥~♥))
<3 ~ These sacred geometric symbols are visual instruments that can help bring our vibrations into harmony with the Rythms of nature. ♥~♥ Sphere, (Fire) Tetrahedron, (Universe) Dedecahedron, *Merkaba*, (Water) Icosahedron, (Earth) Hexahedron,(Air) Octahedron ((♥~♥))

Pleiades (Home)

Pleiades (Home)

ૐ* OHM ૐ*

ૐ* OHM ૐ*



One Love

One Love
All is One

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡ Sacred G ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

✡The Flower of LIFE ✡

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞

∞ Infinite Pyramid Energy ∞
~ Kirlian Photograph of pyramid energy using a Tesla coil in 1979 ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~

~ Consciousness Creates Reality ~
Our sixth sense should be called our first sense ...

Divine Unconditional Love

Divine Unconditional Love
♥ "IF there is magic on this Planet, it is contained in water" -Loren Eiseley ♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

♥∞♥ Byss and Abyss ~ Nothing And All ~ Time and Eternity ♥∞♥

All is ONE

All is ONE

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

✡ Fractal Omniverse ✡

destroyer vs Creator

destroyer vs Creator
You are that fine line between the two vast worlds... Live and choose wisely... Live and choose with love...♥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

☥☥☥ Ankh ☥☥☥

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))

‎((♥∞♥)) The Sacred Wisdom of Fire and Water ((♥∞♥))
"The blending of fire and water is as a symphony of the pure alchemy of our existence, in its mergence it returns all to the zero point where within is the Divine celestial creation of our BEing which is Love ~ as above, so below ~ the deepest truth is that we are all the bridge between heaven and earth through the love that we ARE" ~ Lawrence & Elaraia

Divine Consciousness

Divine Consciousness

All is ONE